Vision + strategy

This is our uncompromising pursuit: to uphold care for the planet and for its people. It’s why we have a holistic approach to sustainable development – taking into account the entire product life cycle, from sourcing to end-of-life, and its impact on the industries we serve.

We're in it for the long haul.

We’re committed to following our principles without compromise. In our eyes, a more vibrant future is not built through trends or buzzwords, but by working with integrity to who we are and what we value as human beings. That’s why we continue to set ambitious goals that drive our company and employees forward.

A journey to sustainable packaging​​

When evaluating the environmental impact of the products we produce, we take into account the packaging our labels are applied to, the use of that product, and how it should be disposed of at end-of-life. To simplify our approach and guide our customers, we have developed a sustainable rating system for our products: good, better, and best.

Based on these criteria, we have sold over 14 billion sustainable labels to date.

Must have thin face or liner, or use recycled, certified, or bio-based content
Must enable recycling or reuse
Must enable recycling or reuse and use recycled, certified, or bio-based content
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Sustainable labels sold


Clients using sustainable materials



In our sustainable innovation pipeline

canopy of trees representing commitment to sustainable growth

Read our policies and commitments

We are committed to following our principles, without compromise. We extend our key principles beyond our walls and expect our suppliers and the customers we supply to act in the same way. We welcome you to read our policies + commitments.

Our goals in manufacturing

We are in the process of implementing the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership’s (SGP) accreditation for sustainability in printing practices and manufacturing operations. As part of this process, we will begin to track and set goals towards reducing our emissions, energy, water, and waste. We will set the benchmark of where we are today, and where we want to be. We will be diligent in our process through continuous improvement, investments, and innovation to achieve the goal of being the most sustainable label printing company in the world.


25% reduction by 2025
50% reduction by 2030


25% reduction by 2025
50% reduction by 2030


25% reduction by 2025
50% reduction by 2030


Zero waste to landfill by 2025

Increase recycling and reuse vs. waste-to-energy beyond 2025

Our goals in sourcing

While in the process of SGP, we are also looking to align our greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals with The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which would see us halve our emissions by 2030 (as indicated above) and drop to net-zero by 2050. The SBTi is a collaboration between the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).

Paper labels

100% chain-of-custody certified (FSC, SFI, PEFC, etc.) purchased and/or 30% post-consumer waste fiber by 2025, with an increase in recycled content or closed-loop systems beyond 2025​

Plastic labels

100% enabling the recycling or reuse of the packages our labels are applied to by 2025, with an increase in biobased or recycled content beyond 2025

Our partnerships

Partnerships and transparency are a vital part of our business in contributing to a sustainable world. We will continue to work with these vital organizations and expand our network to invest, innovate, and collaborate with like-minded companies, governments, and institutions. 

We are currently seeking Sustainable Green Printing certification in 2022.

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